During a recent trip to beautiful Frisco where every place has a story related to the annoying 1906 quake ( San Francisco - it is time to move on) my old tour guide shared an interesting project that his wife has been up to.
The man with shifty eyes, smelling overwhelmingly of a cheap aftershave whispered that she intends to walk each and every road of the city in her time left on earth.
Out came my well worn diary where I jot down book ideas ( * Serial Killer kills one person in every Pin Code ) and in it went.
I had completely forgotten about it until yesterday.
Now, I love walking and typically used to do upwards of 12 km or so every day - but work, monsoon, craft beer and other commitments have made it difficult to find time to walk - affecting my health , happiness and waistline. Which is a shame, cause I really really love walking. It helps to clear my head, stay in decent enough shape and is as inspiring for writing as alcohol, a country song, and that thing that rhyme with good 'deed'.
So,here is a plan.

Ok, not this type of plan.
Here is a plan where I walk each and every road of my gorgeous hometown Pune which is also ranked as the most livable city in the country. ( Plug for Pune Municipal Corporation. Please fix the potholes in Bavdhan)
I will do this early mornings and late evenings - so there is another benefit as I can de -netflix some minutes from my day.
Will keep sharing updates with pictures, maps of roads covered, stats, completely made up trivia and PARABles (Am I clever or what) from the road along with listicles like Top Ten Areas where you can spot a pensioner wearing a Golf cap or a Nigerian on a Kinetic Honda.
Super excited. What do you think.
#thatwriterfromindia #walkingparables #gauravparab #buymybooks.#randomhashtagasIdontknowhowtousehashtags
Wow!! Cant wait for the tales of your roadventures!!
Will join you keep me updated!!!
I really like your post! I shared your blog on my Twitter.
I hope my followers are going to find it useful also. Cheers.
One of my favorite blogs to read through when starting the day with a mug of coffee !
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