Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Walking Parables - My plan to walk each road of Pune, one road at a time.

During a recent trip to beautiful Frisco where every place has a story related to the annoying 1906 quake ( San Francisco - it is time to move on) my old tour guide shared an interesting project that his wife has been up to.

The man with shifty eyes, smelling overwhelmingly of a cheap aftershave whispered that she intends to walk each and every road of the city in her time left on earth.

Out came my well worn diary where I jot down book ideas ( * Serial Killer kills one person in every Pin Code ) and in it went.

I had completely forgotten about it until yesterday.

Now, I love walking and typically used to do upwards of 12 km or so every day - but work, monsoon, craft beer and other commitments have made it difficult to find time to walk - affecting my health , happiness and waistline. Which is a shame, cause I really really love walking. It helps to clear my head, stay in decent enough shape and is as inspiring for writing as alcohol, a country song, and that thing that rhyme with good 'deed'.

So,here is a plan.

Image result for Plan

Ok, not this type of plan. 

Here is a plan where I walk each and every road of my gorgeous hometown Pune which is also ranked as the most livable city in the country. ( Plug for Pune Municipal Corporation. Please fix the potholes in Bavdhan)

The road length of Pune is around 2000 km , but given my schedule and upcoming travels - I will only have the odd weekend - so the target is 400 unique kms till next Independence day. Walking over the same road does not count which means i will need drive to different corners of the city, park my car in a public parking ( Another plug for PMC. You guys rock) and then cover about 10 kms every week. The missus who has an even more insane schedule will join me when she can and hopefully friends in other parts of town will also do the same.

I will do this early mornings and late evenings - so there is another benefit as I can de -netflix some minutes from my day.

Will keep sharing updates with pictures, maps of roads covered, stats, completely made up trivia and PARABles (Am I clever or what) from the road along with listicles like Top Ten Areas where you can spot a pensioner wearing a Golf cap or a Nigerian on a Kinetic Honda. 

Super excited. What do you think. 

#thatwriterfromindia #walkingparables #gauravparab #buymybooks.#randomhashtagasIdontknowhowtousehashtags

Read Part 1: Bavdhan


Prateek said...

Wow!! Cant wait for the tales of your roadventures!!

apurv.rohiwal said...

Will join you keep me updated!!!

Anonymous said...

I really like your post! I shared your blog on my Twitter.
I hope my followers are going to find it useful also. Cheers.

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite blogs to read through when starting the day with a mug of coffee !