Thursday, August 23, 2018

Announcing My Song Writing Project - The Yellow Taxi

This day was a long time coming.

I can't zero in on the date, but around 20 odd years ago when my Dad played a Neil Diamond Vinyl track on an ancient gramophone - I had a child's equivalent of a WTF is that brilliant thing? moment.

The words. The music. The story in every song.

I was hooked. But being a slow student, I could never get around to learning a musical instrument even if the songs bounced around my head 8 hours a day. ( Back then, we did not have 24 hour days)

This addiction was not a complete waste. Music and lyrics became the best teacher I ever had. Songs guided my actions - moved me to be better sometimes, and occasionally pushed me towards sin.

You know that thing about a miniature angel you over your left ear and a devil over your right?

I dont. I just had mini guitars and lyrics on either side of me egging me on.

To this day - I can't get anything useful done ( yeah yeah ) unless a song plays in my ears or in the background.

I repeat. This day was a long time coming.

Super pleased to share that I am working with the super talented Kaushik Shukla - a good friend, and an indie musician who has been featured on Kappa TV, SareGaMa and more importantly hundreds of smoky bars where heartbreak and Old Monk are served real slow.

This is going to be different from the sort of music you would typically find playing in our cities. He will sing songs which are but stories. And hopefully they will bring back some memories from simpler times where the only way to get around were those beautiful Yellow Taxis.

We are not kidding ourselves. We know only a few people will see this, might not take to this type of music and follow our journeys. We get it. Yellow taxis and old time music is dead and buried.

But we are open to be proven wrong.

Prove us wrong. Do share your love. feedback and like our page. It is the easiest way to stay in touch with this labor of love and track our originals as they are released while also listening to some covers by Kaushik of the songs that whisper in our ears. ---Love, Gaurav Parab

Begin by liking our Facebook page, sharing it and then giving feedback to our songs. 

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