Friday, March 08, 2013

Happy Walla Women's Day

Image courtsey Wikipedia

By Gaurav Parab

On the occassion of International Women's Day ( Thanks to television, as a kid I would call it Pond's International Women's Day) here is a short blog post jestest for women readers of this blog wonly.

( Men, close your eyes and  wait for International Men's Day***)


Today is the International Women’s Day. I am not even sure if it is something you congratulate someone with, or celebrate – but one thing is certain – it is a great opportunity to acknowledge a part of our world that corrects every wrong that the other major goofy part of the world does. ( Sigh. That would be us men)

So, a moment to pause and thank you for your contribution. Happy Women’s Day. And looking forward to a time when we don’t need a special day to mark the contribution of every wonderful woman like you that made this journey through days and through places worthwhile!

Stay true, stay the same. You are the generation, who through their success will make terms like ‘glass ceiling’ , ‘ empowerment’ ‘homemaker’ ‘liberation’ and what not relics from our past. You are the generation that continues to and will make history. You are the generation that will balance our messed up and topsy turvy world – and then imbalance it in the right direction!

Cheers! Have a great day.

PS - Would be terrific to have an International Men’s Day when the tipping point comes. ( Note: Beer and Cricket will be an integral part of such an event. Please?)
*** Like that is happening.