Monday, April 06, 2020

We Will Be All Right. - Thoughts on Covid 19.

Photo by Mish Vizesi on Unsplash

The more I look at the numbers from across the world and the measures taken, the more I am convinced the govt got the timing of the lockdown just about right. What the lockdown has done is bought the country time for the hospitals to be better prepared for the surge that is yet to come.
Time is clearly the most important aspect as efforts are on towards finding optimum treatment protocols. Now the world knows more about what is working, what is not and our creaky health infrastructure has multiple options to try out different protocols some homegrown (like using retrovirals used for aids ) form France (focus on malaria treatment) , US trying out blood plasma and so on. It will hit us, but not as hard as it would have if we had not taken it seriously.
The vaccine is about 18 months away, but my gut feel basis all the reading I have done is in a couple of months the treatment protocols will be so matured that we will be able to treat most cases in 4 to 5 days and treat them conclusively. Also suspect factors like summer, BCG vaccine that most of us got, our inherent immunity is helping cut down the spread. I am really hopeful that economically too there will be a sharp v shaped bounce back in oct to dec quarter once US is truly back on its feet.
I will also not rule out a miracle cure coming out sooner since the brightest minds around the world are focused on a singular objective at the same time. This, has never happened in our history ever. We are going to make it. I have no doubt.
The key is to look after our bodies and our minds as long as possible, help the local authorities, do our bit for the disadvantaged and our animal friends, and generally not let insignificant things like politics cloud our judgement or appreciation of what the local and central governments are doing.
Just remember, this is unprecedented for not only us but for everyone. So many governments have done mistakes and missteps - some with consequences - just like you and I do every time we walk into an unknown situation. As more of the situation unfolds, we learn more, and the more we learn the better are decisions look. It is time. Time is the key here. This is a Test Match without the limiting no of days.
This is a time for being a silent do er and not a self appointed thinker looking for opportunities to troll the efforts being made so bravely by so many.
Also, ignore the Covidiots. Fortunately or unfortunately we are not alone in having them. There are worse examples from around the world. The idiots are out of your control. Ignore them. Above all, do not give into the easy temptation of assigning religion to their lot. 
Focus on happy news and stay positive. Listen to what Sunny Gavaskar has been saying for more than 30 years in the commentary box. Do the simple things right, the big things will take care of themselves.
Wash your hands. Maintain physical distancing.

PS - I have started a Facebook page to counter the negativity that surrounds us. This page only shares Happy stats around recovery, vaccination progress, treatment protocols and the efforts from around the world to nail down this nasty little virus.

Here is the link:-

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